Priyanka Chopra marked her 42nd birthday on the set of her upcoming film The Bluff in Australia, while her husband Nick Jonas made sure the day was special despite not being there in person. The actor shared glimpses of her birthday festivities on Instagram, which included a vibrant celebration featuring a large cake, colorful balloons, and a unique dosa truck for the crew.
In her Instagram post, Priyanka captured the joy of her working birthday with photos and videos from the set. The vanity van was adorned with white and lavender balloons, floral arrangements, and a framed family photo of Nick, Priyanka, and their daughter Malti Marie. A video showed Priyanka being greeted by the crew, who sang “Happy Birthday” as a cake was presented. Despite her on-screen makeup and bruises, Priyanka beamed with happiness.
Nick Jonas, though not physically present, orchestrated the celebration from afar. He arranged for a dosa truck to cater to the crew, offering a variety of dosas including Plain, Masala, Mysore, and Onion, ensuring the team enjoyed a festive meal.
In her heartfelt Instagram caption, Priyanka expressed her appreciation for the surprise and her gratitude for the thoughtful gestures from her husband and the team. She reflected on the joy of celebrating her birthday on a film set, surrounded by work she loves, and thanked everyone who contributed to making her day special. She also acknowledged her mother, Dr. Madhu Akhouri Chopra, and their daughter for their significance in her life.
Priyanka’s post also extended thanks to her cast, crew, and producers of The Bluff, who contributed to a day filled with laughter, joy, and personalized touches like decorated trailers and flower deliveries. She expressed her deep appreciation for the birthday wishes from around the world and concluded by sharing how the long day ended with a restful sleep.
Currently shooting for The Bluff, Priyanka recently returned to Australia after attending Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding in Mumbai with Nick and Malti Marie. The couple, married since 2018, continues to balance their personal and professional lives with grace and celebration.