On Tuesday, the creators of the upcoming aerial action thriller ‘Fighter’ revealed an intriguing new poster featuring actor Deepika Padukone. Deepika took to Instagram to share the poster, where she captioned it as, “’Squadron Leader Minal Rathore,’ Alias: Minni, Role: Squadron Pilot, Unit: Air Dragons.”In the poster, Deepika could be seen donning the Air Force uniform with her hair tied up in a bun and black shades completing her look.
Deepika’s role as a Squadron Pilot in the Air Dragons unit showcases resilience and valor. This marks her first ‘mission’ as a helicopter pilot as she continues to break barriers and display her acting mastery.
Minni’s character embodies fortitude, determination, and the unwavering spirit of Fighter.  Helmed by Siddharth Anand ‘Fighter’ also stars Hrithik Roshan and Anil Kapoor in the lead roles.
The aerial action thriller film is all set to hit the theatres on January 25, 2024.
The motion poster of Fighter was released on Independence Day 2023, which provided the first glimpse at the three actors, who play Indian Air Force (IAF) officers in the movie.
‘Fighter’ makes Deepika’s first on-screen collaboration with Hrithik Roshan.
Apart from this, she will also be seen in the sci-fi action film ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ opposite Prabhas.
She also has ‘The Intern’ alongside Amitabh Bachchan in her kitty.