Neetu Kapoor, the renowned actress who recently celebrated her 66th birthday, took a delightful break in Zurich, Switzerland, attending Taylor Swift’s highly anticipated Eras Tour concert. Accompanied by her daughter, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, and granddaughter, Samara, Neetu Kapoor immersed herself in the vibrant atmosphere of Swift’s musical extravaganza.

Riddhima Kapoor, sharing moments from their outing on Instagram, captured the essence of their excitement. In one snapshot, she posed happily alongside her mother and daughter, captioning it “Certified Swifties,” showcasing their shared admiration for Taylor Swift’s music and performance.

Another selfie posted by Riddhima featured her beaming with anticipation as they made their way to the concert venue. “#Swiftieforever. Enroute Taylor Swift concert 2024 #Zurich #ErasTour,” she captioned, adding to the buzz surrounding their unforgettable night.

Another selfie posted by Riddhima featured her beaming with anticipation as they made their way to the concert venue. “#Swiftieforever. Enroute Taylor Swift concert 2024 #Zurich #ErasTour,” she captioned, adding to the buzz surrounding their unforgettable night.