Actor Natasa Stankovic spared no effort to celebrate her son Agastya’s fourth birthday, following her separation from cricketer Hardik Pandya and her move back to Serbia. On Wednesday, she hosted a Hot Wheels-themed birthday party for Agastya and shared photos on Instagram.

Hot Wheels-Themed Birthday Party

Natasa posted pictures of Agastya’s birthday celebration on Instagram. In the first image, she wore a pink checkered top and posed with Agastya, who sported a white Hot Wheels t-shirt. They stood in front of a Hot Wheels-themed cake with “Agastya 4” in the Hot Wheels font in the background.

Other photos and videos provided more glimpses of the Hot Wheels-themed decorations. Agastya was shown holding a racing flag, while his Serbian friends sang happy birthday as he cut the customized cake. Natasa also included a picture of the grazing table. Hardik’s brother, cricketer Krunal Pandya, left a white heart emoji in the comments.

Natasa’s Birthday Wish for Agastya

Earlier on Wednesday, Natasa shared a heartfelt message for Agastya on Instagram, promising to always protect him and be by his side, no matter how life changes.

She wrote, “My babu, you brought peace, love, and joy into my life. My beautiful boy, you are such a blessing, so sweet and kind… always stay this way. I won’t let this world change your kind soul. I will always be by your side… hand in hand. I love you, Mama.”

Social media users criticized Hardik’s absence from Agastya’s birthday celebration, with one saying, “It would have been a good memory for him and your kid.” Another added, “It would be more beautiful if the father would’ve been there!”

However, many defended Natasa. One user wrote, “Stop hating on a mom who is trying the best for her kid.” Another noted, “Hardik is in Sri Lanka for a match. You expect him to come to Serbia instead of attending the match? You really find reasons to blame women, don’t you?”

Natasa and Hardik’s Separation

Last month, Natasa confirmed her separation from Hardik Pandya. Hardik announced on Instagram that they had “mutually parted ways” after four years together. He called it a “tough decision” they made in the “best interest” of both of them, adding that they had tried their best. The couple married in 2020.