The supernatural suspense thriller, Dhootha, features an accomplished ensemble cast, including Naga Chaitanya Akkineni in the lead, along with Parvathy Thiruvothu, Priya Bhavani Shanker, and Prachi Desai in pivotal roles. The eight-episode series will premiere on Prime Video on December 1. It is produced by Sharrath Marar under the banner of
NorthStar Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. and directed by Vikram K Kumar. Dhootha marks the streaming debut of Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, playing the role of Sagar, an ambitious and successful journalist who finds himself engulfed by supernatural events that are at the nexus of many mysterious and gruesome deaths, and are now shadowing over his family.
The thriller drama will premiere exclusively on Prime Video in India and across more than 240 countries and territories worldwide on December 1.

“We’re thrilled to broaden our regional portfolio with Dhootha, our first long-format Telugu Original. Helmed by national award-winning director Vikram Kumar, the series unfolds as an atmospheric, supernatural thriller – a mesmerizing tapestry of tension and mystery
that holds viewers spellbound until the very end. What adds to the allure is our outstanding cast, led by Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Priya Bhavani Shankar, and Prachi Desai. Their performances breathe life into the intricately layered and unpredictable narrative,” said Aparna Purohit, head of Originals, India and Southeast Asia, Prime Video.

Producer Sharrath Marar said, “Dhootha is one of the most ambitious Telugu series, which is a result of countless hours of preparation, immense dedication, and tireless efforts. From the very beginning, we knew we’d have to go above and beyond to realize the full potential of a concept and story as deep, detailed, and elaborate as Vikram envisioned. And we’re thrilled to have the confidence of Naga Chaitanya Akkineni to make his streaming debut with Dhootha, and three extraordinary female protagonists who play such crucial roles in the series.

Thanks to Prime Video for taking the series to a worldwide audience, who will now be able to watch and enjoy the exceptional performances in a series unlike any before, in an unpredictable story that will leave them wanting even more.”