On July 12, Anant Ambani’s wedding to Radhika Merchant became the talk of the town, especially after a touching video went viral. The clip shows brothers Mukesh and Anil Ambani walking alongside the groom, Anant, as they enter the wedding venue, showcasing the strong family bonds that define the Ambani family.

Anant, the youngest son of Mukesh and Nita Ambani, married Radhika in a lavish ceremony attended by numerous celebrities from business, politics, and entertainment. This grand celebration followed two exciting pre-wedding events that set the stage for the wedding.

The first pre-wedding event took place in Jamnagar and featured a stunning performance by pop star Rihanna. The second event was an extravagant four-day European cruise, where guests enjoyed performances by the Backstreet Boys, Katy Perry, and Pitbull. These celebrations not only highlighted the couple’s love story but also the Ambani family’s flair for hosting spectacular events.

In the viral video, Anant walks into the venue with his father Mukesh on one side and his uncle Anil on the other. As they make their entrance, Anant greets guests, including former Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, adding to the warm atmosphere of the occasion.

Radhika, now part of the Ambani family, was introduced to the public through their Roka ceremony in 2022, followed by an engagement in 2023. With this marriage, she joins Anant’s siblings, Isha and Akash, who are also happily married.

Overall, Anant and Radhika’s wedding was a beautiful celebration of love, family, and tradition, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended and those who watched online.