Actor Mrunal Thakur recently confronted a social media user who photoshopped her image into his Diwali celebration post. The edited photo depicted the man, arm around Mrunal, lighting a firecracker with her beside him. He shared the picture on Instagram, captioned as “Diwali Photo Editing. Bollywood Actress Photoshoot… (sic).”
In the comments, Mrunal addressed the fan directly in Hindi, saying, “Bhai, kyu jhooti tassali de rahe hain aap apne aap ko? Aapko lagta hain ki aap yeh Jo kar rahe hain yeh cool hain? Ji nahi!” (Brother, why are you giving yourself false reassurance? Do you really think what you’re doing is cool? No, it’s not!). Her blunt response underscored her disapproval of unauthorized photo manipulation, especially by fans seeking virtual closeness.
This isn’t the first time Mrunal Thakur has spoken out about digital harassment. She previously condemned deepfake content involving female celebrities, particularly after a fabricated video of Rashmika Mandanna circulated online. Addressing the matter, Mrunal voiced her frustration over the rising trend of inappropriate, manipulated videos targeting actresses.
She shared on Instagram, “Shame on people who resort to such things; it shows that there is no conscience left at all in such people. Every day, morphed, edited videos of female actors zoom into inappropriate body parts. Where are we heading as a community, as a society?”
Mrunal’s response and her continued advocacy for respect highlight her message to fans: public figures deserve personal boundaries, and manipulating images crosses a line. Through her vocal stance, she encourages dialogue around digital ethics and urges the public to consider the human impact of such actions.
The Hi Nanna star was last seen in the Telugu drama The Family Star and has Son of Sardar 2 in the pipeline, adding to her growing list of diverse roles in Indian cinema.
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