Malayalam actor Dileep Sankar was found dead in a hotel room in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday, prompting an investigation by local authorities. The cause of his death has not yet been disclosed. Dileep had checked into the hotel on December 19 and reportedly did not leave his room during his stay.

Concerns arose when his co-stars were unable to reach him by phone. They subsequently visited the hotel to check on him and requested the staff to open his room, where he was discovered deceased.

Health Concerns and Investigation

Reports indicate that Dileep Shankar was in Thiruvananthapuram for the shooting of the television series Panchagni. The show’s director informed police that Dileep had been suffering from a serious illness, although the specifics of the ailment remain unclear. It has been reported that he was receiving treatment for this condition.

The police have initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Dileep Shankar’s death. A forensic team is set to examine the hotel room. According to initial evaluations by the police, there are no indications of foul play. “There are no signs of unnatural factors involved in the actor’s death at this stage. The exact cause of death will be determined following the post-mortem,” a police source stated, as quoted by The New Indian Express.

Dileep Shankar, originally from Ernakulam, was known for his roles in several popular Malayalam television shows, including Amma Iriathe, Panchagni, and Sundari. His untimely death has shocked fans and colleagues in the industry.