Bollywood actress Malaika Arora’s father, Anil Kuldip Mehta, died by suicide on Wednesday, according to police reports. The post-mortem has revealed that Mr. Mehta died from multiple fractures sustained during a fall from the sixth-floor balcony of his residence.
The incident took place around 9 am at “Ayesha Manor” in the Almeida Park area of Bandra. Mr. Mehta, 65, allegedly jumped from the balcony, suffering severe fractures to his right leg and other parts of his body. Despite being rushed to the hospital, he was declared dead upon arrival.
Prior to his death, Mr. Mehta made a final phone call to his daughters, Malaika and Amrita Arora. He reportedly told them, “I am sick and tired,” before abruptly ending the call and turning off his phone.
In a statement, Malaika Arora, her mother Joyce Polycarp, and her sister Amrita expressed profound shock and grief. They described Mr. Mehta as “a gentle soul, a devoted grandfather, and a loving husband,” and requested privacy during their mourning period.
Mumbai Police have launched an investigation into the case. “Police will investigate the incident from all angles and follow the standard operating procedure,” said a police spokesperson. They have already interviewed family members and building residents, and a forensic team has examined the scene and reviewed CCTV footage. The police also plan to speak with Mr. Mehta’s doctor and other relevant individuals to understand his mental and physical state prior to the incident.
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