Malaika Arora has recently unfollowed her ex-husband, Arbaaz Khan, on Instagram, sparking curiosity and speculation. Although Malaika has been co-parenting their son, Arhaan Khan, with Arbaaz, she was following him on social media until a few weeks ago. Notably, she did not acknowledge Arbaaz’s birthday, which was celebrated on August 4, 2024. Arbaaz, who turned 57, received warm birthday wishes from his current wife, Sshura Khan, who shared a heartfelt tribute on social media.

Sshura Khan’s birthday message highlighted their shared moments and affection, stating, “Happy birthday Arbaazzz♥️ Not a day goes by dull with u being around… From your dimples to wrinkles I will be there with you. Love you Mr Khan to infinity and beyond ♥️♥️.”

Malaika, meanwhile, is currently on vacation in the Maldives with friends, sharing pictures of her trip on social media. She has posted images from an infinity pool and a glimpse of her accommodation, enjoying her holiday.

Malaika and Arbaaz were married in 1998 but announced their separation in March 2016, finalizing their divorce in May 2017.