On social media, actor Mahesh Babu recently posted a sweet and endearing photo of himself and his daughter Sitara Ghattamaneni, showcasing their incredible father-daughter relationship. Mahesh Babu is seen offering Sitara a “Jadoo Ki Jhappi” in the shared photo, which is a charming way to show love and care. Fans were moved by this sweet act, and their emotions were expressed in droves in the comment section.

The actor, who is well-known for his powerful roles in Indian cinema, has been interacting with his fans on a personal level and thrilling them with news about his next ventures. Notably, Mahesh Babu will feature in the much awaited Trivikram Srinivas film “Guntur Kaaram,” which has been creating a lot of anticipation among moviegoers.

With an ensemble cast that includes Mahesh Babu, Sreeleela, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Jagapathi Babu, Ramya Krishnan, Jayaram, Prakashraj, and Sunil, the upcoming movie “Guntur Kaaram” looks to be an engaging action drama. Excitement for the film’s debut has been sparked by the on-screen connection between Mahesh Babu and Sreeleela in the recently released romance track ‘Oh My Baby’.

With Mahesh Babu reuniting for ‘Guntur Kaaram’ after a 12-year hiatus, director Trivikram Srinivas—who previously worked with him on successful blockbusters like ‘Athadu’ and ‘Khaleja’—is making a big-budget film. The film’s teaser, which honours the late actor Krishna, has already made an impression on viewers by revealing a glimpse of the feisty lead character and laying the groundwork for an exciting cinematic encounter.

Mahesh Babu’s devotion to his work and his charming moments with his family are proof of his commitment to both his personal and professional lives, even as he continues to enthral audiences with his diverse talent. ‘Guntur Kaaram’ is expected to open in theatres on January 13, 2024, and fans are excited to see Mahesh Babu’s charisma on screen and the gripping story that the film promises to tell.