Set in rural India, the film “Laapataa Ladies” delves into the story of two missing brides. The story of the movie has amusing moments woven into the serious situation of a lost wife being replaced by another mysterious woman. Today, on March 1, the film makes its debut in theaters. Kiran Rao steps into the director’s role for the second time in 14 years with “Laapataa Ladies.”
During the press conference, Director Kiran Rao stated, “There is a specific community tasked with assessing and selecting one of the finest films of the year, and if our film is deemed worthy, we will submit it for the prestigious Oscars. However, for now, we are eagerly anticipating the recognition we are yet to receive on March 1, 2024,” hinting at the film’s release.
Produced under the banners of Aamir Khan Productions and Kindling Productions, “Laapataa Ladies” features Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastava, and Chhaya Kadam in prominent roles. The film is based on Biplab Goswami’s award-winning story.
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