On Thursday night, notable figures from Bollywood gathered for the screening of the upcoming film “Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya,” starring Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon. Kriti Sanon, who takes on the role of a robot named Sifra, chose a casual ensemble with a black top and green pants. Supporting her elder sibling, Nupur Sanon looked delightful in a dress. Shahid Kapoor’s support team at the screening included his wife Mira Rajput, brother Ishaan Khatter, and mother Neelima Azeem.
Ahead of the theatrical release of “Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya,” Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon visited Siddhivinayak Temple to seek blessings a day before. She was spotted at the temple wearing an elegant yellow suit. This film marks the inaugural collaboration between Kriti Sanon and Shahid Kapoor. Directed by Amit Joshi and Aradhana Sah, the romantic comedy also stars Dharmendra and Dimple Kapadia in pivotal roles. The film is set to hit theaters on Friday.
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