Season 8 of the popular talk show, Koffee with Karan (KWK), started off with a bang with hot Bollywood couple, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, gracing the first show. And interestingly, Karan Johar began by acknowledging how comments on social media could become a ‘PR nightmare’. Inviting Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone seemed to be the perfect foil not just for K Jo but also for the Bollywood’s ‘IT couple’ due to the divorce rumours that had been gaining ground for the last year. As soon as Ranveer and Deepika walked onto the new KWK set and hugged Karan, the audience knew that this was going to be an episode that was likely to be a tell-all. So, was it? For starters, Ranveer made sure he was just a few inches apart from his ladylove Deepika and with them dressed in chic black, the couple exuded sexiness – and love! Karan asked them about their 11- year relationship and Ranveer narrated their love story right from the time they met at Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s house for ‘Ram Leela’. The couple also gave the audience a special glimpse into their highly-private and luxe wedding in Italy, which had K Jo in tears. Both Ranveer and Deepika opened up about their relationship, including the romance, the highs and the lows. They also revealed how they were so different as individuals and families. Deepika went on to speak about her depression and the foundation which she started. And Karan Johar shared the mental health issues he went through as well due to all the trolling and comments he received on social media post the pandemic. He admitted the last few years had been tough for him too and he was under therapy even now. But did the couple bell the cat i.e. the divorce rumours? It was only Deepika who addressed the separation rumours indirectly by stating that marriage was tough, adding, ‘It’s the work that makes it special’. \So, it looks like all is truly well with the couple. The first episode really set the tone for Season 8 of KWK as it was very emotional and all about love. With both K JO and Deepika opening up about their mental health battles as well, the episode was far more real than what it had been in the earlier seasons. Ranveer and Deepika looked very much in love and seem to have matured in their relationship too. As for Karan Johar, when he stated that he too wanted a relationship like theirs and wanted to get home and talk to his partner about the nothings of the day, it made you feel wanting it too. A great way to start this season indeed.
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