Kiran Rao’s film Laapataa Ladies has been selected as India’s official entry for the 2025 Oscars in the Best Foreign Film category. The film is co-produced by Aamir Khan, her former husband, with whom she still shares a professional relationship despite their divorce in 2021. During a recent IANS event, Kiran confirmed that she and Aamir would “definitely” work together again, although she wasn’t sure in what capacity. She highlighted that her focus remains on the development of the story.
Laapataa Ladies is a collaborative production of Aamir Khan Productions, Jio Studios, and Kindling Pictures. Aamir Khan Productions expressed their gratitude to the Film Federation of India through an Instagram story, saying, “A heartfelt thanks to the Film Federation of India selection committee for choosing our film Laapataa Ladies to represent India at the Oscars! We are immensely grateful to our audiences, the media, and the film fraternity for their overwhelming support. Thanks to Jio Studios and Netflix for their strong backing. Love, Team AKP.”
The film, released in March, stars Nitanshi Goel as Phool Kumari, Pratibha Ranta as Jaya, and Sparsh Shrivastav as Deepak Kumar, with notable performances from Ravi Kishan, Chhaya Kadam, and Satendra Soni. The movie revolves around the story of two young brides and explores the theme of women’s empowerment. It is currently available for streaming on Netflix.
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