Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian had a bustling weekend in Mumbai, attending the wedding and blessing ceremonies of Mukesh Ambani’s son, Anant Ambani, and Radhika Merchant at the Jio World Convention Centre. They also filmed an episode of their reality TV show “The Kardashians” during the festivities. Amid their busy schedule, they made time to visit the ISKCON temple in Juhu, where they participated in serving food to children.

Kim And Khloe Visit to ISKCON Temple

Pictures circulating on social media show Kim and Khloe wearing vibrant dupattas as they engage with schoolchildren at the ISKCON temple. Kim, seated on her knees, is seen smiling and interacting warmly with the kids, draped in an orange and pink dupatta over her attire, adorned with a floral bun.

Khloe, in a white gown, is also pictured with a navy blue and white stole around her neck. The sisters were also captured chatting with Jay Shetty, a British life coach and ISKCON follower.

Highlights from the Ambani Wedding:

At the Ambani wedding, Kim shared glimpses on Instagram, posing in front of elegant backdrops and capturing moments with Isha Ambani, Anant’s sister, and the newlyweds, Anant and Radhika. In her Instagram posts, Kim expressed her affection for India, stating, “India has my heart.”

Kim, 40, and Khloe arrived in India on Friday, documenting their journey on Instagram, including a rickshaw ride around the city before the main event. Kim’s attire at the wedding, featuring a red outfit with a matching veil, emerald headband, and bracelet, garnered attention.

The Grand Ambani Wedding:

The wedding, held on July 12, attracted a host of notable personalities from various fields, including celebrities, athletes, politicians, and others. The event also featured performances by international artists. Anant Ambani, son of Mukesh Ambani, Asia’s richest man, married Radhika Merchant, daughter of pharmaceutical tycoons Viren and Shaila Merchant.