Actor Kiara Advani celebrated her parents’ wedding anniversary on Tuesday with a heartwarming post on Instagram. She shared a series of family pictures, beginning with a lovely vacation photo of her parents, followed by images from their wedding and older family memories. One of the highlights was a family portrait featuring Kiara, her parents, and her brother. She also included a selfie with her husband, Sidharth Malhotra, and her parents, captioned, “Best card partners.” Along with the photos, Kiara wrote, “Happy Anniversary to my favourite couple.”

Kiara and Sidharth tied the knot in Rajasthan in February 2023, having first met during the wrap-up of Lust Stories. The couple started dating while filming Shershaah in 2021.

On the professional front, Sidharth recently starred in Rohit Shetty’s web series Indian Police Force on Prime Video and in the movie Yodha, which garnered positive reviews. Kiara, meanwhile, is preparing for her role in the political action thriller Game Changer alongside Ram Charan.