Filmmaker Karan Johar delighted fans by unveiling the first-look posters for his upcoming film Chand Mera Dil, featuring actors Ananya Panday and Lakshya in a small-town romantic comedy. The film, directed by Meenakshi Sundareshwar director Vivek Soni, is set to release in 2025 under Johar’s Dharma Productions.

In the posters shared on social media, Ananya and Lakshya are captured in playful, affectionate moments, hinting at a light-hearted romance. Karan Johar affectionately referred to the lead actors as his “two chands,” writing, “We have two chands ready to bring an intense & passionate love story like no other!!!🌙 Pyaar mein thoda paagal hona hi padta hai…🫶🏻 Chand Mera Dil, starring Ananya Panday & Lakshya. Directed by Vivek Soni. Coming to cinemas in 2025.”

Karan Johar’s Social Media Tease

A day prior to the announcement, Johar hinted at the film with an Instagram post showcasing a heart symbol and a caption celebrating Dharma’s legacy of timeless love stories. “After a while, we are back with a love story with a young cast and we are over the ‘moon’…. Watch this space,” he teased, promising a new chapter in romance from Dharma.

Successful Year for Ananya and Lakshya

Both Ananya and Lakshya have enjoyed a successful 2024. Ananya earned praise for her digital debut in the web series Call Me Bae and her Netflix film CTRL. Lakshya, meanwhile, garnered attention for his performance in Kill, which became a sleeper hit this year. The pair’s collaboration in Chand Mera Dil promises to bring fresh energy to Bollywood’s rom-com scene.