The police say that comedian Kapil Sharma has gotten a death threat over email from Pakistan. Among several famous people—including Rajpal Yadav, Sugandha Mishra, and Remo D’Souza—who have recently been assaulted with identical menacing emails, he is one.
Under Section 351(3) of BNS, an FIR has been filed at the Amboli Police Station against an unidentified individual and an inquiry has started.
Coming from Pakistan, the email announced:
“We think it’s vital we call your attention on a delicate subject. We beg you to take this message with great seriousness and privacy; it is not a publicity stunt or an effort to bother you.
The sender signed off ‘BISHNU.’
Police say the sender required a response from the famous within eight hours; otherwise they would suffer personal and career ramifications.
A legal grievance was submitted by Kapil Sharma with the governmentistributed. Beforehand, Sugandha Mishra and Remo D’Souza also contacted the authorities following receipt of the same email.
Rajpal Yadav, an actor, got a similar email last year on December 14 and on December 17 he filed a police complaint after finding the message in his spam folder. In an audio recording for NDTV, he said in quotes:
I have filed a complaint with the cyber crime division and the Amboli Police. Since then, I have not talked with anyone on it. As an artiste, I wish to captivate viewers with my shows. The agencies can update on these.”
The Mumbai Police is urgently looking into the cases as the threats against prominent people are quite specific.
Rising Security Among Celebrities Given Present Assaults
Last October, politician Baba Siddique was fatally shot close to his Bandra home; Lawrence Bishnoi’s gang took credit. After this, Salman Khan had more security measures in place, among them bulletproof windows at his house.
Subsequently, Saif Ali Khan experienced a physical assault at his Bandra house early Thursday morning from a trespasser. The assaillant stabbed him six times, hence severely wounding caused.
From Saif’s wound, doctors effectively extracted a 2.5-inch knife blade. Only on Tuesday (January 21), after receiving therapy at Lilavati Hospital, did the actor return home to welcome fans and photographers. Saif also encountered automobile driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who drove him to the hospital following the assault.