On November 6, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor celebrated their daughter Raha Kapoor’s second birthday, a significant milestone for the couple and their family. The day commenced with touching wishes and love-filled posts on social media, as friends, family, and fans showered their blessings on the beloved star kid. Alia’s mother, Soni Razdan, shared sweet glimpses of her quality moments with Raha, while Neetu Kapoor, Ranbir’s mother, delighted fans with a candid snapshot of her son, Alia, and Raha. Alia herself shared one of their first family photos, sparking joy among her followers who were thrilled to witness this precious moment.


An Enchanting Jungle Safari-Themed Party

As the evening unfolded, Alia and Ranbir hosted a jungle safari-themed birthday party for Raha, paying tribute to their engagement in the Maasai Mara. In snapshots shared by Alia’s sister Pooja Bhatt, fans saw a delightful jungle-themed cake adorned with animal decorations, a photo booth featuring pandas and monkeys, a tattoo station, and iconic Disney guests Mickey and Minnie Mouse posing alongside Raha’s grandfather, Mahesh Bhatt. Thoughtful party favors included copies of Ed Finds a Home, Alia’s debut children’s book, reflecting the family’s warmth and creativity. Soni Razdan shared a group photo from the celebration, capturing a moment with friends Neetu, Anu Ranjan, Shalini Pradhan, and Neena Gupta.

Raha’s second birthday was truly memorable, celebrated with love and joy, leaving fans and family with heartwarming memories to cherish.