Jamie Lever, daughter of popular Bollywood actor and comedian Johnny Lever, is set to make her debut in the South Indian film industry with the Telugu film ‘Aa Okatti Adakku.’
The film, a heartfelt tribute to her grandmother, holds special significance as Telugu is Jamie’s mother tongue.
Expressing her joy about this milestone, Jamie shared, “Making my debut in the Telugu industry with ‘Aa Okatti Adakku’ is a dream come true. This film is not just a professional journey for me; it’s a personal homage to my roots.
Telugu is my mother tongue, and performing in it is a heartfelt tribute to my grandmother, who understands and is more comfortable with her mother tongue.”
Jamie is set to play a pivotal role in the film, which is being produced by Chota Bheem producer, Rajiv Chilaka. The project boasts an ensemble cast, including esteemed veterans from the South Indian film industry.
Expressing gratitude for the opportunity, Jamie said, “I feel blessed to have this chance to connect with my roots through cinema. This is not just a film; it’s a celebration of language, culture, and family.”
As excitement builds for Jamie’s debut in the Telugu industry, she shared her enthusiasm, saying, “I’m super excited for my South debut. Telugu is not just a language; it’s a part of my identity.
I hope the audience enjoys seeing me in a new light, celebrating the richness of Telugu cinema.”
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