The makers of the upcoming film ‘Dange’ unveiled its trailer at a college festival in Mumbai, featuring a star-studded cast including Harshvardhan Rane, Nikita Dutta, Ehan Bhatt, Sanchana Natarajan, Kalidas Jayram, and filmmaker Bejoy Nambiar. Actor John Abraham praised the trailer on Instagram, calling it “special.” The film explores the complexities of human nature and the conflicts faced by its characters.
Director Bejoy Nambiar expressed his excitement about sharing the film’s unique narrative with the audience, describing the trailer as a glimpse into the world of ‘Dange’. The film’s poster, divided into two halves, encourages viewers to ‘Pick A Side,’ highlighting the rivalry between two friends at a college festival.
In the Hindi version, Harshvardhan Rane and Ehan Bhatt play lead roles, supported by Nikita Dutta and TJ Bhanu. The Tamil adaptation, titled ‘Por’, features Arjun Das, Kalidas Jayram, TJ Bhanu, and Sanchana Natarajan.
Presented by T-Series and Roox Media, ‘Dange’ is a T-Series Films and Getaway Pictures production directed by Bejoy Nambiar. It is scheduled for release on March 1, 2024.
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