Currently on location in Kerala filming her next movie *Param Sundari*, Janhvi Kapoor set aside free time to see the lovely state. Capturing her tranquil experience, the 27-year-old actress posted a set of beautiful vacation pictures with her Instagram fans. Janhvi is depicted visiting nearby temples and churches, spending quality time with elephants, and enjoying filter coffee with her crew in pictures with the caption, “A day well spend ❤️🌴 #keraladiaries.
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Janhvi is radiating class in the photos, clad in a white linen s Saree that is graceful and charming. Lightweight and airy, the saree has subtle hand embroidery with tiny appliqué roses spread throughout the textile. The border and lattice jaal’s soft, calming colors of smoke blue, blush pink, yellow, and green reflect those of the Indo-French Riviera gardens, adding an artistic element to the classic design. Matching blouse completed Janhvi’s saree and set an ethereal appearance.
The Anavila brand’s dreamy saree comes at a steep cost of ₹2,47,500 if you are considering it.
Choosing sophisticated silver stud earrings, Janhvi kept her accessories simple. Her makeup was understated, including winged eyeliner, nude eyeshadow, blushed cheeks, and glossy pink lips. Her grace was improved by a small black bindi and her hair left free.