Actress Janhvi Kapoor was admitted to a hospital in South Mumbai for severe food poisoning, revealed her father Boney Kapoor in an interview with NDTV while she was busy promoting her soon-to-be-released film Ulajh. Sources in the know close to the actor told Hindustan Times that she was admitted on Thursday and may be discharged within the next two days after being down with a serious ailment that forced her to reschedule her dates much earlier in the week.
Her health is better now, Boney Kapoor told NDTV. The tragic incident had happened only a day after she had come to Mumbai from Chennai, being unwell.
Janhvi Kapoor has been juggling her personal and professional life; as recently as this past weekend, she was attending the wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant before taking off into promotional activities for “Ulajh.” In the film, she will be seen playing Suhana Bhatia, a young diplomat caught right in hornet’s nest, something about which the official affidavit states: high-stake international diplomacy ensnares a young diplomat into a complex mesh of intrigue. The movie is directed by Sudhanshu Saria and is based on the notion of nepotism with a thrilling story set around the London embassy.
The film’s trailer that’s been released just a few days ago reveals Janhvi’s character, who seems to be facing suspicion and danger along with grappling with internal renders of her fluids that her character’s colleagues believe can potentially spell disaster for the lives of undercover secret agents. Other actors opposite Janhvi Kapoor include Adil Hussain, Meiyang Chang, Gulshan Devaiah, Rajendra Gupta, and Jitendra Joshi.
“Ulajh” has been penned by Sudhanshu Saria and Parveez Shaikh, while the dialogues have been written by Atika Chauhan.
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