Isha Ambani recently went to an art exhibit in Mumbai with her mother, Nita Ambani. For the event, she chose a simple yet elegant grey chikankari suit and went for a no-makeup look.
Isha Ambani at NMACC’s Art Exhibit
Isha Ambani was at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) for the opening of a new visual art exhibit titled *’Bhakti: The Art of Krishna.’* The exhibit was inaugurated by the spiritual leader Radhanath Swami and curated by Ashvin E Rajagopalan.
During the event, Isha was seen talking about the exhibit, singing bhajans (devotional songs) with guests, and taking a tour of the exhibition. The official NMACC account and various paparazzi pages shared photos and videos from the event.
Isha Ambani’s Look at the Event
For the occasion, Isha Ambani wore a grey chikankari suit. The outfit included a relaxed kurta with trumpet sleeves, detailed chikankari embroidery, colorful floral patterns, and mirror work. She paired it with matching pants and a dupatta (shawl) that also had chikankari embroidery. Isha draped the dupatta over her shoulder to complete her look.
She kept her style simple and elegant, accessorizing with only a pair of diamond hoop earrings. Her makeup was minimal, featuring darkened eyebrows, a small bindi on her forehead, glossy nude lips, and natural glowing skin. She left her hair loose with a side parting.
About the ‘Bhakti: The Art of Krishna’ Exhibit
The *’Bhakti: The Art of Krishna’* exhibition is open to the public from July 18 to August 18. It showcases the life and legacy of Lord Krishna through beautiful artworks. Tickets start at ₹299, but fine arts students, children under 7, and senior citizens can visit for free.
Who is Isha Ambani?
Isha Ambani is the eldest daughter of Nita Ambani and Mukesh Ambani. She married Anand Piramal on December 12, 2018, and they have twins named Aadiya and Krishn
Isha Ambani and her mother Nita Ambani attended the *’Bhakti: The Art of Krishna’* exhibit at NMACC in Mumbai. Isha wore a grey chikankari suit with minimal accessories and makeup, showcasing a simple yet graceful look. The exhibit, which runs from July 18 to August 18, explores the life of Lord Krishna through art.