When Ranveer Singh was announced as the new face of the Don franchise, the reaction was far from positive. Fans struggled to accept him in the iconic role, traditionally played by Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan. Despite his enthusiasm, Ranveer promised to honor the legacy and give his all to the role, describing the opportunity as a dream come true. Yet, the project seems far from materializing.
Though there’s no official word yet, trade reports suggest the filming of Don 3 has been delayed again, now pushed from January 2025 to June 2025. The film, first announced last year, has already gone through multiple rounds of speculation about delays. While the initial plan seemed promising, with Kiara Advani on board as the female lead, things now look uncertain.
The internet has begun to speculate that this latest delay could signal the film’s shelving. Many online comments point to the film’s massive budget as a major hurdle.
Don 3 is postponed again from January to June 2025
byu/SmallAchiever inBollyBlindsNGossip
One user noted, “200 cr is hard to recover in today’s market. It will only work if Ranveer knocks it out of the park.” Another said, “Farhan doesn’t have the funds to make it. He is clearly looking for external support, banks aren’t willing to invest 300 cr in movies anymore.”
Others voiced concerns about Ranveer’s current career trajectory, with one remarking, “I think Ranveer is in the worst phase of his career 👀.”
Some fans laid the blame squarely on Farhan Akhtar, the director, with one comment reading, “Yikes 😬 that’s not looking good! Very unprofessional from Farhan’s side tbh, I think he is more interested in acting gigs rather than directing.”
Another user said, “Farhan is hoping he can SCAM Universal studios to flush 250-300 crs down the drain for this.” The growing uncertainty around Don 3 has led to rising doubts about its future.
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