A day after Priyanka Chopra made an unexpected visit to India, she grabbed attention with her stunning saree look at a wedding celebration for her younger brother, Siddharth Chopra. Inside pictures from the intimate event have now surfaced, showing heartfelt moments, including speeches by Priyanka and her mother, Madhu Chopra.

Inside Pictures from the Wedding Celebration

Though it is unclear if Siddharth and his fiancée, Neelam Upadhyaya, are already married or plan to wed soon, a fan page shared a video with the caption, “All the best wishes! It’s lovely to see you as husband and wife, and we wish you both all the happiness in the world!” Photos from the celebration were shared by celebrity gynecologist Dr. Kiran Coelho, captioning it as a “warm and intimate affair” attended only by family and close friends. The dinner reception was hosted by Madhu Chopra and Priyanka for Siddharth and Neelam.

Priyanka’s Stunning Desi Look

Priyanka turned heads in a magenta-pink saree, paired with a matching sleeveless blouse and elegant pearl jewelry. She styled her hair in a neat bun and opted for glamorous makeup. She arrived alone at the venue and left similarly after the celebration. Madhu Chopra donned a lilac saree, while Siddharth and Neelam twinned in stylish blue Western outfits.

Priyanka’s Arrival in India

Priyanka landed in Mumbai early on Friday morning, greeted by fans and paparazzi. She was spotted at the airport in a chic yet casual outfit—a white cropped top paired with matching track pants and a long shrug. Sharing a glimpse of her arrival on Instagram Stories, Priyanka posted a video from her airplane window, showing the glittering lights of Mumbai and captioning it, “Mumbai meri jaan (My darling)…”