Pixar Animation Studios is celebrating as their latest release, Inside Out 2, has become the highest-grossing animated movie of all time, surpassing Disney’s Frozen II from 2019. The film has earned a staggering $1.46 billion worldwide, marking a significant achievement in animated cinema. Inside Out 2 explores new emotions like anxiety and depression within Riley’s mind, resonating deeply with audiences globally and increasing theater attendance after a slower start earlier this summer.
Alan Bergman, Co-Chairman of Disney Entertainment, praised the film’s profound connection with viewers worldwide, expressing surprise at its record-breaking success. Pixar acknowledged the milestone with gratitude to fans on social media, emphasizing the film’s impact and thanking supporters for making it a global phenomenon.
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Besides its global success, Inside Out 2 also ranks as the 13th highest-grossing film overall and has earned $600 million domestically. It debuted strongly, reaching $1 billion within 19 days, cementing its status as a box office powerhouse in 2024. The top 10 highest-grossing animated films list predominantly features productions from Pixar and Walt Disney Animated Studios, showcasing their enduring impact on animated cinema.
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