Shah Rukh Khan celebrated India’s 78th Independence Day with his family at their Mumbai home, Mannat. On August 15, he was seen hoisting the Indian flag with great enthusiasm. Dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans, Shah Rukh was accompanied by his wife Gauri, daughter Suhana, and youngest son AbRam. The family marked the occasion with a traditional flag-hoisting ceremony, followed by Shah Rukh engaging with fans outside the mansion. He climbed up to wave at the gathered crowd, folding his hands in gratitude and blowing kisses. Later, he shared a social media post wishing his fans, saying, “Let’s celebrate our beautiful country India with pride in our hearts…. Happy Independence Day and love to all.”

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Shah Rukh Khan was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2024 Locarno Film Festival. On August 10, he became the first Indian personality to receive this accolade, also known as the Pardo alla Carriera or Career Leopard, at the 77th edition of the festival. His Bollywood career spans iconic films such as ‘Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge’, ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’, ‘Devdas’, ‘Kal Ho Naa Ho’, ‘Veer Zaara’, ‘Chak De! India’, ‘Om Shanti Om’, ‘My Name is Khan’, ‘Pathaan’, ‘Jawan’, and the upcoming ‘Dunki’.

Upcoming Projects:

King: Shah Rukh is currently working on the action-drama ‘King’, directed by Sujoy Ghosh, where he plays a gangster. The film is anticipated to be a massy, emotional experience.

The Lion King: He has done a voiceover for the Hindi version of Disney’s photorealistic animated musical-drama ‘The Lion King’, voicing the grown-up version of Mufasa. His sons Aryan Khan and AbRam Khan have voiced Simba and younger Mufasa, respectively. The movie is scheduled for release on December 20.

Shah Rukh Khan’s recent activities reflect both his ongoing commitment to his craft and his engagement with fans, marking significant moments in his illustrious career.