Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is recovering well after being stabbed six times by an intruder at his Bandra West apartment early Thursday. Doctors at Lilavati Hospital, where Khan underwent emergency surgery, confirmed his condition has stabilized. The attack has raised concerns about security lapses in upscale residential complexes.
The horrifying incident occurred around 2:30 a.m. in Khan’s 11th-floor apartment at the Satguru Sharan building. The attacker, reportedly familiar with the premises, gained access through the fire escape after scaling an adjacent wall. The ordeal began when nanny Eliyama Philip noticed unusual noises and spotted the knife-wielding intruder in four-year-old Jeh’s room.
Philip attempted to shield the child, sustaining injuries herself. The assailant demanded ₹1 crore before turning violent. Saif Ali Khan confronted the intruder, suffering multiple stab wounds, including one to his spine. Despite the severity of his injuries, Khan managed to subdue the attacker briefly before retreating to the upper floor with his family.
Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in an auto-rickshaw, where doctors removed a 2.5-inch blade fragment from his spine during a five-hour surgery. “He’s recovering well and can walk without much discomfort. There’s no risk of paralysis,” said Dr. Nitin Narayan Dange.
Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, praised Khan’s resilience, describing how the actor arrived at the hospital “like a lion,” drenched in blood yet unflinching.
The attacker fled the scene, evading security and CCTV cameras within the building. Authorities suspect he exited via a fire shaft. Mumbai Police have deployed 20 teams to apprehend the suspect, who was last seen near Bandra railway station.
As the investigation continues, the incident underscores the urgent need for enhanced security measures in luxury residential areas. Meanwhile, Khan remains in a special room at the hospital, with visitors restricted to prevent infections.
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