Actor Saif Ali Khan, heavily bleeding from six stab wounds, was urgently taken to Lilavati Hospital in an auto-rickshaw by his son, Ibrahim, after the brutal knife attack late last night. Unable to find a car ready in time, 23-year-old Ibrahim, also an actor, helped his father into the auto and rushed him to the hospital, located just two kilometers away from their Bandra residence.
A video recorded shortly after the incident shows Saif‘s wife, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, standing by the auto-rickshaw and speaking to house staff.
The 54-year-old actor was attacked by an intruder during a confrontation at his home and sustained six stab wounds, one of which was near his spine. After undergoing surgery, his team confirmed that he is now out of danger, and all other family members are safe.
The actor’s team clarified that the incident was an attempted burglary. While police have referred to the assailant as an “intruder,” they have yet to comment on the potential robbery attempt.
CCTV footage did not capture anyone entering the home within two hours before the attack, suggesting the attacker had entered earlier and waited to strike. Authorities are reviewing CCTV footage to identify the perpetrator, who fled after the assault.
Police suspect the attacker might be connected to one of the house staff members, who allegedly facilitated his entry into the home. This staff member is currently under investigation.
The attack has caused alarm within the film industry, with actress Pooja Bhatt expressing her feelings of insecurity and urging Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis to increase police presence in Bandra.
The Opposition has criticized the NDA government, questioning the safety of ordinary citizens in Mumbai if even celebrities are not secure.