The cast of “Fighter,” an upcoming aerial action thriller movie, released a new poster on Tuesday featuring Karan Singh Grover in the role of Squadron Leader Sartaj Gill. Actor Hrithik Roshan posted the image to Instagram along with the statement, “Squadron Leader Sartaj Gill, Call Sign: Taj, Designation: Squadron Pilot, Unit: Air Dragons, Fighter Forever.”
Karan is shown wearing the Air Force outfit in the ad. The official teaser for the movie was just released by the producers, and it immediately went viral among the audience.
Hrithik as Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania, nicknamed Patty, Deepika as Squadron Leader Minal Rathore, aka Minni, and Anil as Group Captain Rakesh Jai Singh, called Rocky, battling for the nation are featured in the one minute and fourteen second teaser.
In the teaser, Karan was absent. The main cast was shown performing aerial feats and soaring high in their jets in the teaser. It also revealed a sneak peek at a party song with the main actors and a steamy Hrithik and Deepika kissing sequence. With the song “Sujlam Suflam” playing in the background and Hrithik unfolds a tricolour from his airplane, the teaser came to a thrilling conclusion. Most of the movie was filmed in Indian air bases using actual Sukhoi fighter aircraft. On Independence Day 2023, the movie Fighter’s motion poster was unveiled, giving fans their first look at the three actors playing Indian Air Force (IAF) commanders.
Under the direction of Siddharth Anand, the film features Hrithik Roshan, Anil Kapoor, and Deepika Padukone in the key parts. The movie “Fighter” is scheduled to open in theatres on January 25, 2024.
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