Actor and BJP MP Hema Malini took part in ISKCON’s Rath Yatra in Mathura on Friday. During the procession, she spoke to the media, saying, “Krishna bhakts have taken out this Rath Yatra. Devotees from across the world are participating in this Rath Yatra…I pray for healthy and prosperous lives of everyone…”

Recently, she also shared her thoughts on the Braj Raj Utsav, a 10-day annual cultural festival in Uttar Pradesh celebrating local art, spirituality, and craftsmanship, which has evolved into a major event. “It’s the third day of the Braj Raj Utsav,” Malini said, adding, “This is a cultural program, and many stalls have been set up for people to enjoy. We have lined up several prominent celebrities for the upcoming events, and it is a 10-day event curated specifically for the people of Mathura.”

Malini expressed happiness over the festival’s growth, noting how it has expanded over the years. “Earlier, this program was quite limited, but now it has expanded tremendously, and it has become a much-anticipated event for both locals and visitors alike,” she said.

Highlighting the variety of performances, the Mathura MP mentioned some key events at the Utsav. “There are cultural programs happening here every day. The first day featured ‘Humare Raam’ by Ashutosh Rane, and now there’s a performance on the life of Jhansi Ki Rani. Everyone should know about the contributions of our ‘veeranganas,’ and it’s wonderful that all of this is happening here,” she shared.