The 2025 Oscar nominations were announced on Thursday. While All We Imagine As Light and Santosh, the UK’s official entry, missed out, Anuja, a short film set in Delhi, earned a nomination for Best Live Action Short Film. The film, supported by Priyanka Chopra, Mindy Kaling, and Guneet Monga, has sparked significant interest. A major point of focus is its young lead, Sajda Pathan.

What is Anuja About?

Directed by Adam J Graves and Suchitra Mattai, Anuja tells the story of a 9-year-old girl, Anuja, who must choose between continuing her education or working in a factory with her sister. This choice will shape their futures. Sajda Pathan plays the role of Anuja, and Ananya Shanbhag plays her sister. Set in New Delhi, the film has Priyanka Chopra and Guneet Monga as executive producers, with Mindy Kaling serving as producer.

Sajda Pathan’s Remarkable Journey

Sajda Pathan, the star of Anuja, has an inspiring personal story. Raised in the slums and rescued by an NGO, Sajda’s role in Anuja is her second film. She also featured in The Braid (La Tresse), a French film, where she shared the screen with Mia Maelzer.

Sajda was once a child laborer in Delhi. Salaam Baalak Trust, which was established using proceeds from Salaam Bombay, rescued her. She now lives at their Day Care Center. The trust co-produced Anuja with Shine Global and Krushan Naik Films.

Oscar Competition for Anuja

Anuja will compete for Best Live Action Short Film at the 2025 Oscars, which will take place on March 2 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Other nominees in the category include A Lien, I’m Not a Robot, The Last Ranger, and The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent. Anuja will also stream on Netflix later this year.

With this Oscar nomination, Anuja highlights a powerful story of resilience and hope, while also showcasing the remarkable journey of Sajda Pathan.