Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times by an intruder in his Bandra high-rise apartment around 2:30 am on Thursday. The actor, 54, sustained six stab wounds, including one near his neck. He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital for emergency surgery, with the knife still lodged in his spine. Doctors have since confirmed that he is out of danger.
The attack occurred near the room of his younger son, Jeh. Saif’s family, including wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and their two sons, Jeh (4) and Taimur (8), were present in the apartment at the time, alongside five house staff members. According to a PTI report, Jeh’s nanny, Eliyama Philip, encountered the attacker, who demanded ₹1 crore.
Mumbai police officials believe the intruder, who likely entered during the night intending to rob, did not forcibly break in but instead used the fire escape to access the residence. CCTV footage showed the suspect, wearing a red scarf and carrying a backpack, descending the building’s staircase after the attack. The assailant, however, remains at large.
Despite the footage, critical questions linger about the security breach in one of Mumbai’s most upscale and secure areas:
Police are investigating how the intruder moved undetected within the apartment and reached Jeh’s room without triggering an alarm.
Reports suggest the building’s security personnel failed to notice any unauthorized entry. Was this due to negligence, or did the attacker exploit a lapse in security?
Authorities are questioning the house staff and laborers involved in ongoing renovations. Investigators are exploring whether someone with inside knowledge may have assisted the attacker.
Given the precision with which the intruder moved, police suspect they might have been familiar with the layout or received assistance.
While footage captured the suspect leaving via the stairs, investigators are probing how they avoided detection by other cameras, including those at the entrance.
The investigation continues, with authorities working to resolve these unanswered questions while enhancing security measures in the area.
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