Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh joyfully welcomed their baby girl on September 8, 2024. The couple celebrated this special occasion by sharing the news with fans through a collaborative Instagram post. Deepika gave birth at HN Reliance Foundation Hospital and is still in the hospital, cherishing every moment with their newborn daughter.
Recently, a photo of Deepika holding a baby close to her chest has been circulating online, with claims that it was leaked from the hospital. However, it turns out that this photo is not genuine and does not show Deepika with her daughter.
For their baby announcement, Deepika and Ranveer kept it sweet and simple. On the day their daughter was born, they shared a charming graphic on Instagram featuring a large golden bow and a note that read, “Welcome baby girl. 8.9.2024. Deepika and Ranveer.”
Ranveer Singh had previously expressed his desire to have a daughter. In an interview with Bollywood Bubble, he talked about his excitement for parenthood and mentioned his preference for having a girl. His wish has now come true, adding to their joy as new parents.
As for Deepika’s return to work, it appears she plans to take an extended break. According to recent reports, Deepika has decided not to participate in the third season of “The White Lotus” to fully focus on caring for her baby. She has reportedly chosen to handle all parenting duties herself, without hiring a nanny or relying on Ranveer for shared responsibilities, to ensure she can be a hands-on mother.
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