Universal Pictures has officially announced the next installment in the Jurassic franchise with the release of Jurassic World Rebirth. The studio revealed the film’s logo, offered a sneak peek of its musical score, and released a series of striking first-look photos featuring stars Scarlett Johansson, Jonathan Bailey, and Mahershala Ali on their social media platforms.

The initial images from the highly anticipated film show Johansson and Bailey’s characters navigating through thick grass, while another notable photo highlights Ali’s character, who is illuminated by a flare and appears to be shouting in urgency. The Instagram post accompanying the reveal states, “A new era is born. #JurassicWorldRebirth.”

Slated for release in July 2025, Jurassic World Rebirth promises a fresh adventure set five years after the events of 2022’s Jurassic World Dominion. The film’s synopsis indicates a dramatic change in the planet’s ecology, with dinosaurs now confined to isolated equatorial regions resembling their original habitats. These areas are home to three of the largest dinosaurs, whose genetic material may hold transformative potential for humanity.

In the movie, Johansson plays Zora Bennett, a covert operations specialist leading a team on a secret mission to collect genetic samples from these enormous dinosaurs. The plot thickens when Zora’s mission intersects with a civilian family stranded on an island after a disastrous encounter with aquatic dinosaurs. This unexpected meeting reveals a long-hidden secret.

Directed by Gareth Edwards, known for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and written by David Koepp, who penned the original Jurassic Park screenplay, Jurassic World Rebirth aims to deliver both thrilling new narratives and beloved elements from the franchise. Johansson recently shared her excitement about joining the series, revealing her dedication to becoming part of the Jurassic world over the past decade. With its blend of new and classic elements, the film is set to be a major summer event in 2025.