Priyanka Chopra has shared delightful pictures from her cozy pre-Christmas celebrations, featuring her husband Nick Jonas and their daughter, Malti Marie. In the first image, Priyanka and Nick pose adorably together, with Priyanka donning a festive red dress and a Christmas-themed head accessory that sets the holiday mood. The actress also shared a couple of pictures of their pet dog, but it was Malti Marie’s playtime pictures that captured the internet’s attention. In these snapshots, Malti Marie is seen enjoying herself with a cricket bat and indulging in cookies. Priyanka captioned the post simply with the word, “Home.”
Recently, Priyanka and Nick were spotted attending TV personality Morgan Stewart’s Christmas dinner. A fan page shared a picture of the couple posing with Morgan and her husband, Jordan McGraw. For the festive evening, Priyanka opted for a stylish monochrome co-ord set, while Nick complemented her look with a classic black blazer.
Prior to their holiday celebrations, the couple attended the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah. Sharing moments from the event, Priyanka expressed her gratitude, stating, “Thank you for the wonderful honour Red Sea Film Festival. Congratulations to all the winners and participants. Here’s to continually bringing the world of entertainment together.”
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas tied the knot in December 2018, celebrating their union with both Christian and Hindu ceremonies at the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur. They hosted two wedding receptions, one in Delhi and another in Mumbai. In January 2022, they welcomed their daughter Malti Marie via surrogacy.
On the professional front, Priyanka is currently filming for the second season of “Citadel” and is set to appear in “Heads of State” alongside John Cena and Idris Elba.
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