On Tuesday, actor Randeep Hooda posted a few romantic photos from their wedding celebration with his wife Lin Laishram. Randeep posted the images on Instagram with the remark, “In our eternal garden of Eden,” and an emoji of a heart and an infinity.

Randeep wore an all-black ensemble to the event, while his wife wore a sparkling red saree with a veil over her head. The newlyweds were seen in the photos standing close to one another while wearing stunning outfits. The film industry guests attended a wedding celebration hosted by Randeep and Lin Lon Monday.

Bollywood’s A-listers, including filmmaker Imtiaz Ali, Naseeruddin Shah, Ratna Pathak, Jackie Shroff, Vijay Varma, and Tamannaah Bhatia, were present at the Mumbai event.

On November 29, Randeep and Lin said their vows in Manipur.

They were married according to Meitei custom. Someone saw Randeep with a white scarf on. Lin wore a cylindrical skirt called a potloi, sometimes known as polloi, composed of thick fabric and bamboo. It was adorned with glitter, diamonds, and satin and velvet materials.

On their own Instagram accounts, they shared photos from the wedding along with the comment, “From today, we are One (black heart and infinity emojis) #JustMarried.” A further caption says, “From ‘I’ to ‘We’ in a happily ever after (red heart emoji).”