Diljit Dosanjh’s New Year’s Eve concert in Ludhiana hit a snag after a complaint from Chandigarh’s assistant professor, Punditrao Dharenavar. The complaint led to a formal notice from the Deputy Director of the Women and Child Department, Punjab, to the Ludhiana District Commissioner. The notice requested that Dosanjh not perform certain songs during his live show.
Targeted Songs Under Scrutiny
The notice specifically banned songs like Patiala Pegg, 5 Tara Theke, and Case (Jeeb Vicho Feem Labbiya). These tracks are accused of promoting alcohol. The authorities also called for a ban on any altered versions of these songs. The complaint pointed out that Dosanjh had ignored previous warnings about these controversial songs.
Concerns for Young Audiences
Dharenavar raised concerns about the impact on younger audiences. He stressed the dangers of exposing minors to such content. He also cited a 2019 ruling by the Punjab and Haryana High Court. The court had directed the police to prevent songs promoting alcohol, drugs, or violence at public events, saying they negatively affect children.
Legal Threats and Cultural Criticism
Dharenavar warned that he would take the issue to the Punjab and Haryana High Court if the concert proceeded with these songs. Additionally, he criticized Dosanjh for wearing a pagadi, a traditional headgear, while performing such songs. He believed this sent the wrong message.
Ludhiana Concert and Previous Controversies
The Ludhiana concert was added last-minute to Dosanjh’s Dil-Luminati India Tour. It sold out quickly. However, similar controversies followed him during his tour. In November, the Telangana government sent him a legal notice over alcohol-related songs in Hyderabad. In Indore, Dosanjh addressed the issue of ticket scalping.
Promises and Public Statements
Earlier, Dosanjh made headlines with a promise regarding alcohol in his music. In Ahmedabad, he said he would stop singing about alcohol if India imposed a nationwide liquor ban. “If all the states declare themselves as dry states, I promise I won’t sing about alcohol ever again,” he stated.
Tour Success Despite Legal Battles
Despite these legal hurdles, Dosanjh’s Dil-Luminati tour has been a huge success. Tickets sold out quickly at every stop, showing that his popularity remains strong.