Television actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee, who tied the knot with Shanwaz on December 14, 2022, has joyfully announced that she is expecting her first child. On Thursday, Devoleena shared the news via Instagram, posting a series of heartfelt pictures featuring her family. The images capture special moments as her loved ones offer their blessings to the couple during this significant time.

In her Instagram post, Devoleena expressed her excitement and gratitude, describing the experience as a “divine journey to motherhood.” She highlighted the Panchamrit ritual, noting how tradition and love come together to bestow health, prosperity, and joy upon both the mother and her unborn child.

Her announcement quickly drew a flood of congratulatory messages from fans. One commented, “Congratulations, Devoleena! This is such wonderful news,” while another wrote, “So happy for you both! May this divine journey be filled with joy and blessings.”

Known for her role in Saath Nibhaana Saathiya and her appearance on Bigg Boss 13, Devoleena remains active in various projects, including reality TV and digital content. She also keeps her fans engaged through her strong social media presence, updating them on her career and personal life.