Singer and actor Demi Lovato has announced her engagement to songwriter Jordan ‘Jutes’ Lutes. The couple, who publicly confirmed their relationship in August 2022, took the next step in their journey together with a heartfelt proposal in Los Angeles on Saturday, as reported by People.

A representative for Lovato confirmed the news, revealing that Lutes, a 31-year-old songwriter, proposed to Lovato with a stunning bespoke pear-shaped diamond solitaire engagement ring. The couple celebrated their joyous moment with their families at one of their cherished Los Angeles restaurants, creating a personal and intimate atmosphere.

Their journey towards engagement has been marked by affectionate gestures and mutual appreciation. On Lovato’s 31st birthday in August, Lutes shared a heartfelt tribute on social media, showcasing their deep connection. “Happy birthday to my best friend. You’re obviously the most beautiful and talented person to ever do it,” Lutes captioned a carousel of sweet selfies and silly videos. “But more importantly, you’re weird af and you make me cry laughing.”

Lovato and Lutes have collaborated professionally as well. Lutes has co-written several tracks with Lovato, including the popular songs ‘Substance,’ ‘Happy Ending,’ and ‘City of Angels.’ These tracks are part of Lovato’s critically acclaimed eighth studio album, ‘Holy Fvck.’

Their love for each other goes beyond their professional relationship. Lovato expressed her affection for Lutes in an emotional social media message on his birthday in March. “I’ve waited my whole life to find you, and I can’t wait to celebrate so many more birthdays together… you’re a literal dream come true, and I’m so grateful to call you mine,” Lovato wrote in an Instagram post, as reported by People.