Bollywood’s power couple, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, celebrated the arrival of their daughter, Dua, on September 8, 2024. Since then, fans and well-wishers have been eagerly waiting for a first look at the little one. In a touching move, the couple decided to invite the paparazzi to their home to formally introduce their baby, after months of requests from the media.
However, Deepika and Ranveer were hesitant to allow photos of Dua, as they preferred to share her pictures themselves when the time felt right. They invited ANI and the paparazzi for a special meet-and-greet, asking them not to take any pictures yet, assuring them they would reveal her images at an appropriate moment.
The meeting marked a special occasion, as it was the first time a celebrity couple had extended such an invitation to the paparazzi to meet their child. On Diwali, Deepika and Ranveer shared their daughter’s name, “Dua Padukone Singh,” along with an emotional message:
“Dua: meaning a prayer. Because she is the answer to our prayers. Our hearts are filled with love & gratitude.”
This Diwali announcement was a moment of immense happiness for their fans, who had been eagerly awaiting news of the couple’s newborn.
Deepika and Ranveer, who married in 2018, had previously shared their joy at becoming parents with a heartfelt post announcing Dua’s birth. On the work front, the pair recently starred together in Rohit Shetty’s *Singham Again*, where Deepika portrays the fierce Shakti Shetty, also known as Lady Singham. The film features a star-studded cast including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Ajay Devgn, Tiger Shroff, and Akshay Kumar.
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