Bollywood actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have faced significant backlash on social media after revealing the name of their baby daughter. The couple, who welcomed their daughter in September, shared her picture on Diwali, a day considered auspicious by Hindus.
In their Instagram post, the couple shared a photo showing only their baby’s feet. The caption read: “Dua Padukone Singh. ‘Dua’: meaning a Prayer. Because She is the Answer to our Prayers. Our hearts are filled with Love & Gratitude.”
The name “Dua” has its roots in Arabic and translates to “prayer” or “supplication.” In Islam, a dua refers to an invocation or prayer seeking help from God and is regarded as a form of worship.
Following the post, the couple received a wave of criticism, especially from users questioning their decision to use a word tied to Islam rather than one linked to Hinduism. One comment read, “Why not prarthana and why duaa??? Why not Hindi but Urdu??” Another user wrote, “Just for your information (Prathna means ‘Prayer’) I hope you might know these words also, as you are a Sanatani. By name, but as personal you are ???”
The term “Sanatani” is used to refer to followers of Sanātana Dharma, another term for Hinduism.
The word “prarthana” (or “prathna”) comes from Sanskrit and also means “prayer” or “request.” In Hinduism, it forms part of the worship process. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh both identify as Hindus. Singh has mentioned in past interviews that his paternal grandfather was Sikh. At their wedding, the couple honored their religious roots by having both a traditional Hindu ceremony and a Sikh Anand Karaj ceremony.
While many criticized the name, others defended the couple’s choice, calling the reaction overblown. One commenter remarked, “Why are you pressed over a child’s name that isn’t yours???”
This incident comes amid broader concerns regarding the rise of hate speech in India. A report by the India Hate Lab, a U.S.-based research group, revealed that anti-Muslim hate speech in India had been increasing, with an average of two incidents reported every day in 2023. The group documented 668 hate speech events targeting Muslims during the year, with a sharp increase in the second half. The majority of these incidents occurred in states ruled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Reports from Amnesty International further highlighted concerns about the targeting of Muslim communities in India, particularly through the demolition of homes, businesses, and places of worship. These actions came at a time when the Modi administration faced criticism for its treatment of religious minorities and accusations of religious discrimination.
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