Chunky Panday, a well-known actor from the late 1980s, saw a decline in his career when actors like Aamir Khan and Salman Khan made their way into Bollywood. Even though he had early success with numerous hits, his chances for work began to diminish, leading him to seek opportunities abroad. While he briefly picked up momentum with films such as Vishwatma and Aankhen, the resurgence was not sustainable, which led him to try his luck in Bangladesh.
In a recent discussion with Brut, Chunky spoke about this period, stating, “After delivering all these major hits, I abruptly found myself out of work. I was involved in several multi-hero films, but that didn’t upset me. I was baffled by what had transpired, so I opted to go and work in Bangladesh, where I enjoyed a successful stint for five years. ”
While in Bangladesh, Chunky married Bhavana in 1998. He humorously noted that their honeymoon was abbreviated due to his film obligations there. He remarked, “Actually, I took Bhavana for a half honeymoon to Bangladesh because I had to finish a film during that time, and I believe even Ananya was conceived in Bangladesh. ”
Also Read: Karan Johar Unveils ‘Chand Mera Dil’ First-Look Posters, Starring Ananya Panday and Lakshya
Chunky made his way back to Bollywood after Bhavana reminded him how crucial it was to work in India to maintain his career. Upon returning to Mumbai, he balanced the search for fresh opportunities with the demands of parenthood. He referred to the births of his daughters as a pivotal moment in both his life and career.
Chunky and Bhavana’s relationship encountered early difficulties but became more resilient as time passed. The two first met at a disco, where Chunky memorized her phone number to keep in touch. Despite residing in separate cities—Chunky in Mumbai and Bhavana in Delhi—they preserved their connection and eventually got married on January 17, 1998.
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