Veteran actor Chiranjeevi and his son, actor Ram Charan, have donated Rs 1 crore to the Kerala Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to aid victims of the recent landslide in Wayanad. Their substantial contribution comes after Allu Arjun donated Rs 25 lakh. Chiranjeevi expressed grief over the tragedy on his X account. “Deeply distressed by the devastation and loss of hundreds of precious lives in Kerala due to nature’s fury in the last few days. My heart goes out to the victims of the Wayanad tragedy. Charan and I together are contributing Rs 1 Crore to the Kerala CM Relief Fund as a token of our support to the victims. My prayers for the recovery of all those in pain (sic),” the post on X read.
Earlier in the day, Allu Arjun posted on his X account and wrote, “I am deeply saddened by the recent landslide in Wayanad. Kerala has always given me so much love, and I want to do my bit by donating Rs 25 lakh to the Kerala CM Relief Fund to support the rehabilitation work. Praying for your safety and strength. @CMOKerala”.
The landslides that struck Chooralmala and Mundakkai in Wayanad on July 30 have resulted in 308 deaths. On Sunday, Union Minister and Thrissur BJP MP Suresh Gopi visited Wayanad to evaluate the impact of the landslides. Search and rescue operations in the region have now reached their sixth day, with many individuals still feared trapped in the debris.
Wayanad District Collector Meghashree informed ANI that the rescue operation is actively ongoing, with more than 1,300 personnel deployed for today’s operations. “Rescue operation is going on in full swing. Today, 1,300+ forces are deployed, volunteers are also there, yesterday volunteers who went for the rescue operation got stranded there, today we are taking precautions so that it doesn’t happen,”.
Meanwhile, Kerala Chief Minister’s Office has announced that night patrols by police have been established in the Chooralmala and Mundakkai areas affected by the landslides. The statement from the CM’s office emphasised that action will be taken against anyone trespassing into the homes or areas of the victims at night. It also stated that access to these areas at night is restricted to authorised rescue operations only, and no one should enter without police permission.
On Saturday, the Indian Air Force transported one ZAWER and four REECO radars from Siachen and Delhi to expedite search operations in the landslide-affected regions of Wayanad. That same day, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG), Indian Army, and Indian Air Force (IAF) successfully rescued three individuals stranded at Soochipara Waterfalls in the landslide-impacted Wayanad district of Kerala. According to Kerala Health Minister Veena George, the death toll from the massive landslides on July 30 in Chooralmala and Mundakkai has reached 308 as of Friday, with 308 bodies having been recovered.
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