Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman has been replaced in Suriya’s highly anticipated action thriller, tentatively titled Suriya 45. The film’s makers have brought on board Sai Abhyankkar, known for his hit single “Aasa Kooda,” as the new music director. The announcement was made via an Instagram post featuring a poster of Sai, stating, “We’re thrilled to welcome Sai Abhyankkar, a rising star in the music industry, to Suriya 45.”
Sai Abhyankkar, the son of popular singers Tippu and Harini, has recently gained recognition with his single “Katchi Sera,” which became the most-streamed Tamil song of 2024. Before taking on Suriya 45, he is set to make his debut as a music director in Raghava Lawrence’s upcoming film, Benz.
The sudden replacement of AR Rahman has ignited speculation and discussions among fans. Following his recent split from his wife Saira Banu, rumors were suggesting that Rahman might take a break from composing. However, these claims were quickly dismissed by his children, AR Ameen and Khatija Rahman. Reports indicate that Rahman’s departure was primarily due to scheduling conflicts.
Last month, AR Rahman publicly announced his divorce from Saira Banu in a heartfelt post on X (formerly Twitter). He wrote, “We had hoped to reach the grand thirty, but all things, it seems, carry an unseen end. Even the throne of God might tremble at the weight of broken hearts. Yet, in this shattering, we seek meaning, though the pieces may not find their place again. To our friends, thank you for your kindness and for respecting our privacy as we walk through this fragile chapter.”
The couple, who married in 1995, share three children: Khatija, Raheema, and Ameen.
Meanwhile, Suriya 45 will be directed by RJ Balaji and is being produced by SR Prabhu and SR Prakash Babu of Dream Warrior Pictures.
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