On this year’s Raksha Bandhan, numerous Bollywood celebrities took to Instagram to share heartwarming moments with their siblings and convey affectionate messages. Notable figures including Akshay Kumar, Kriti Sanon, Kangana Ranaut, Sanjay Dutt, and filmmaker Zoya Akhtar participated in these expressions of sibling love. Akshay Kumar and Kriti Sanon celebrated Raksha Bandhan by sharing touching posts with their sisters:
Akshay Kumar posted an endearing picture with his sister Alka Bhatia, accompanied by the heartfelt words, “Jo tu mere naal hai te zindagi vich sab changa” (As long as you’re with me, everything in life is great) (heart emoji). She’s been my unwavering support from the beginning. Happy #RakshaBandhan.”
Kriti Sanon shared a joyful video featuring herself and her sister, actor Nupur Sanon. She expressed her adoration, saying, “The Sanon Sisters!! @nupursanon Sisterssss are the bestttt!! Love you to the moon and back! Happyyy Rakhi!! (red heart, hug face, and kissing face emojis).”
Sanjay Dutt took the opportunity to celebrate the strong bond with his sisters, Priya Dutt and Namrata Dutt, posting a picture with them.