Boney Kapoor ignited excitement on social media with his latest post featuring a classic poster of his blockbuster film *Mr. India*, which starred his late wife Sridevi and Anil Kapoor. The film had been a major success at the box office. Boney Kapoor’s post quickly went viral, drawing attention from his daughter Janhvi Kapoor.
On Instagram, Boney Kapoor shared the poster with the tagline, “Creating new waves in the entertainment world,” and added the caption, “Can still do it again.” Janhvi Kapoor responded with, “You have always done it, you still do it, and you will continue to.” Fans also reacted enthusiastically, with many expressing a desire for a sequel featuring Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan. Some suggested, “Please remake *Mr. India* with Janhvi,” while others commented, “This should be made again with Varun Dhawan & Janhvi Kapoor in the lead roles.”
On August 13, marking what would have been Sridevi’s 61st birthday, Boney Kapoor and their daughter, actress Khushi Kapoor, paid tribute to the legendary actress. Boney Kapoor posted an edited image of Sridevi from her 2012 film *English Vinglish*, with the caption, “Happy birthday, my jaan.”
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