Actor Bobby Deol is currently busy promoting his upcoming action thriller film ‘Animal’. Helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the film also stars Ranbir Kapoor, Anil Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna in the lead roles. On Sunday, Bobby took to his Instagram and shared a throwback selfie with his ‘Animal’ co-actor Ranbir and director Sandeep Reddy Vanga. He captioned the post, “In the company of the two most talented and humble souls @sandeepreddy.vanga #RanbirKapoor #Animal #Blessed See you at the movies December 1, 2023…”
In the selfie, the trio could be seen sharing a warm hug in a heavy beard look, while Ranbir and Bobby donned warm caps. Soon after he shared the post, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. “Can’t wait for Animal,” a fan wrote. “Animal will be a blockbuster,” a user wrote.
Recently team ‘Animal’ unveiled the official trailer of the film which received massive responses from the fans.
The 3-minute-32-second trailer hinted that Ranbir’s character has turned into a fierce because of his violent upbringing during his younger age. Ranbir’s character is protective and obsessive about his father’s love. He is seen threatening everybody who comes in the way of his love for his father.